APA Biz Talk: The Tough Conversation Oct 20, 2020

Tue 20th Oct, 2020 – 2:00pm–3:30pm

Posted by APA Admin

© Art Streiber

The Tough Conversation: Having a Plan B (C&D) for Your Next Photo Shoot

What if COVID gets in the way of your production? What is your plan B (C&D)?
What if the photographer tests positive the day before or the morning of the shoot? How do we recover/proceed? 

We have brought together established photographers, a photo agent, a producer, people from the client side, and an insurance broker, all to help you better consider how to plan ahead. We all hope that everyone stays safe, but there is always the possibility of Covid hitting a key player in the middle of production - what's your plan? 

Join us on October 20, 2020, 2pm to discuss:


Moderated by APA Atlanta Board Member, Darcie Adler, The Spin Style 

Gaytana Carrino - Brand Executive Producer APR Consulting, based in Chicago, IL https://www.aprco.com/gaytana-carrino 

John Cogan - Photo Rep and Producer, GOODNOISE, based in Charleston SC http://goodnoisephoto.com/ 

Cindy Dababneh - Client - McDonald's Production Manager, Chicago, IL https://www.linkedin.com/in/cindydababneh/ 

Luigi Menduni - Photo Rep with Bernstein & Andriulli, based in New York, NY https://www.ba-reps.com/ 

Art Streiber - Photographer based in Los Angeles, CA http://www.artstreiber.com 

Melanie Acevedo - Photographer based in New York, NY http://www.melanieacevedo.com 

Liz Von Hoene - Photographer based in Atlanta http://www.lizvonhoene.com/

Ed Gillman - APA Insurance Services https://www.apainsuranceservices.com/


